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Particularly Dangerous Work
Part 1 - At Water's Edge

The Vizconde Rodrigo Mendoza was a low level diplomat in early 1939 representing the government of Francisco Franco at the Spanish Embassy in Berlin before being transferred to Washington. Rodrigo was also gay. He ran afoul of the Abwehr, Nazi Germany’s intelligence agency, and found himself caught up in the seamy world of espionage and international intrigue on the eve of World War II.

Particularly Dangerous Work is his story, told in three parts. The story is full of gritty action, inopportune romance, harrowing escapes, and thrilling adventure. In Part 1, At Water’s Edge, readers will find themselves immersed in the world of the early war years, dancing to Tommy Dorsey hits, sailing aboard the SS Bremen, and witnessing the invasion of France.

  • Length:

    320 Pages
  • Type:

    Historical Fiction
  • Published:

    June 7, 2017
  • Author:

    G. Russell Overton

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