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Particularly Dangerous Work
Part 2 - Lost At Sea

Part 2 of this trilogy opens at the beginning of 1941. Spanish diplomat Vizconde Rodrigo Mendoza has just been recalled from his post in Brazil to assume a new position as chief of staff at the Spanish Embassy in Berlin. In part 1 of this trilogy Rodrigo’s world was turned upside down when German Abwehr agents, using their knowledge of his sexual orientation, blackmailed him into conducting espionage on behalf of the Third Reich. Rodrigo broke free from their manipulation and used the skills they taught him against the Nazi regime.

In Part 2, Lost at Sea, Rodrigo returns to Berlin where he has a golden opportunity to inflict the most damage on the German war machine and help turn the war to favor the Allied cause. Rodrigo finds himself in constant danger. To survive he must juggle romance, sexual relationships, cunning wit, and physical agility. This part of the trilogy ends at the beginning of 1943, just when German invincibility is beginning to crumble.

  • Length:

    321 Pages
  • Type:

    Historical Fiction
  • Published:

    August 24, 2018
  • Author:

    G. Russell Overton

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